Braised Chicken Rolls

          2 servings of 1 chicken roll with about 3 tablespoons gravy
          each 240 calories per serving

          Chicken breast halves,
               skinned and boned*                 2
          Onion, chopped                          2 tablespoon
          Celery, chopped                         2 tablespoon
          Margarine                               1 teaspoon
          Rice, cooked, unsalted                  2/3 cup
          Poultry seasoning                       1/8 teaspoon
          Salt                                    1/8 teaspoon
          Pepper                                  dash
          Garlic powder                           dash
          Chicken stock (from Stewed
               Chicken, p. 47, step 4)            2/3 cup

          Flour                                   2 teaspoon
          Water                                   1 tablespoon
          Chicken cooking liquid
          (see step 7 below)                      about 1/3 cup

               1. Pound breast halves with meat mallet until fiat.
               2. Cook onion and celery in margarine until tender.
               3. Mix in rice and seasonings.
               4. Place half of rice mixture on each breast half. Start
                  with narrowest end and roll. Tie string around each end
                  of roll to hold it together. Leave ends of string long
                  so they can be easily removed before serving.
               5. Brown chicken rolls on all sides in hot frypan.
               6. Add stock and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover, and
                  simmer until tender--about 15 minutes.
               7. Remove rolls from cooking liquid Keep rolls warm while
                  making gravy.
               8. For gravy, mix flour and water until smooth. Stir into
                  cooking liquid. Cook, stirring constantly, until
                  thickened--about 1 minute.
               9. Serve gravy over chicken rolls.

               *NOTE: Use chicken breast halves from a 3-1/3 pound
                chicken. Use remaining parts for Stewed Chicken.