Chocolate Pudding (using mix)

          2 servings of about 1/2 cup each 60 calories per serving

          Pudding mix                      1/2 cup
          Cocoa                                   1-1/2 tablespoon
          Sugar                                   1/2 tablespoon
          Water                                   3/4 cup
          Margarine                               1 teaspoon
          Vanilla                                 1/2 teaspoon

               1. Stir mix, cocoa, and sugar together in saucepan. Add
                  water and mix well.
               2. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until
                  mixture just begins to boil--about 5 minutes. Remove
                  from heat.
               3. Stir in margarine and vanilla.
               4. Pour pudding into bowl. Place wax paper directly on
                  surface of pudding.