There are many but this is the best!  Measure carefully.

               4 cups flour
               1 cup plain or iodized salt
               1 1/2 cups hot water (as it comes from the tap)

               1.   Pour the hot water and salt into a bowl and stir for 1 minute.
               The grains of salt will reduce in size but not dissolve.
               2.   Add the flour and stir until the water is absorbed.
               3.   Turn the dough onto a table or bread board and knead a few
               minutes. The dough is ready when it is smooth and pliable.
               4.   Keep the dough in a plastic bag so it will not dry out as you
               use it.

               This recipe may be cut in half or increased by doubling or tripling
               ingredients. It is best to use the dough within 24 hours. Left over
               dough should be stored without refrigeration in a plastic bag.


               TEXTURE OF DOUGH
               * Too sticky: knead in more flour, however, the dough will remain

               * Too dry: moisten your fingers with water and continue to
               knead. If
               necessary, place the dough in a plastic bag and sprinkle with a
               few drops of water. Then set the dough aside for 1/2 hour.

               TYPES OF FLOUR
               * Bleached or unbleached flour works best.

               * Do not use self-rising flour.

               * Whole wheat and rye flours are not very satisfactory. They do
               not make as smooth and pliable a dough as white flour.

               TO ADD COLOR
               * For a bright color that does not fade, use liquid tempra paint.

               * Put 1/4 cup liquid tempra paint into a measuring cup and add
               hot water until the total liquid is 1 2/3 cups.   Notice that this is
               more liquid than the basic recipe requires.   Mix as usual.

               - Food coloring, dry mustard, paprika, liquid coffee or tea can also
               be added to the hot water. The total liquid should be 1 1/2 cups.