Play Dough

               1 Cup white flour
               1 cup Water
               1/4 cup Salt
               2 Tbl Cream of tarter
               1 Tbl Veg. oil
               Food coloring and flavoring

               Mix flour, salt anf cream of tarter in medium pot.   Add Water, a
               food color, oil and a floring to make a scent (lemon for yellow).
               Stir over medium heat  for 3-5 minutes. ( don't worry if mixture
               looks like a globby mess; it'll turn into dough).   When mixture
               forms a ball in the center of the pot, take it out & put it on a
               floured surface.   Squish it and punch it around a bit.   This is
               called kneading.   Put in airtight container & store it in the fridge.
               Kids love the different scents.