Provides cooked pork for 3 meals
Fresh picnic
shoulder with bone 2-1/2
1. Place picnic shoulder on rack in shallow roasting pan.
If meat thermometer is used, insert it in center of
roast so tip does not touch bone or fat.
2. Roast, uncovered, at 325øF (slow oven) until done,
about 2-1/2 to 3 hours. To test for doneness, make a
small cut next to bone into thicker part of meat.
Juices will be clear when meat is done. Meat
thermometer, if used, should read 170øF.
3. Remove fat from drippings. Defatted drippings will
measure about 2 tablespoons; save half for Roast Pork
with Gravy and half for Pork and Cabbage soup .
4. Separate meat from rind, fat, and bone. Using the
smaller pieces of pork, dice and save 1 cup of meat for
Pork and Cabbage Soup. Slice remaining meat. Save half
for sandwiches and half for Roast Pork with Gravy.
Cooked pork will keep 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator.