Stewed Chicken

          Provides chicken and stock for four meals*

          Chicken, whole                          3-1/3 pound
          Onion, quartered                        1 medium
          Carrot, cut in pieces                   1 medium
          Celery, cut in pieces                   1 stalk
          Pepper                                  1/8 teaspoon
          Water                                   2 cups

               1. Cut up chicken. Remove skin and bones from breast
                  halves. Save breast halves for Braised Chicken Rolls
                      2. Place remaining chicken parts and skin and bones from
                  breast halves in saucepan.
               3. Add vegetables, pepper, and water. Bring to a boil.
                  Reduce heat, cover, and simmer until chicken is
                  tender--about 45 minutes.
               4. Remove chicken and vegetables from stock. Pour stock
                  into 2 cup measuring cup. Spoon off as much of the fat
                  layer as possible. Press vegetables through a strainer
                  (or mash with fork) and add to defatted stock. Add
                  water to stock, ff necessary, to make 2 cups. Save 2/3
                  cup stock for Braised Chicken Rolls and 1 cup
                  for Chicken Macaroni stew ).
               5. Separate meat from skin and bones. Dice and save 3/4
                  cup meat for Chicken Macaroni

               *NOTE: Only part of the chicken is used in Week 2 menus.
               Freeze remaining cooked meat and stock for later use.